WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? What are you waiting for? Hey, wait a minute . . . . WAIT!!!!! “Wait” is one of the most difficult words for us to accept, much less love. Its’ meaning shifts in a mix of ways: an undertone of anger, a whisper to awaken our longings, a sarcastic dismissal, a pragmatic, honest question…


Sacred Space

Something I appreciate so much about summer-time is that during this season, we give ourselves permission to embrace a different rhythm than we are usually accustomed to. This is a rhythm that includes slowing, stopping, and resting. This rhythm opens up time for sacred space, which allows us to encounter God through silence, solitude, and stillness. Jesus sought out…


Coming to James Fowler for Spiritual Direction

Download this article as a PDF here Coming to James Fowler for Spiritual Direction The Idolatry of Objectifying God Experiencing Faith in Dynamic Growth   Spiritual Director (SD): Thank you for coming. Please sit and tell me what brings you to Spiritual Direction. Seeker (S): I am a young Mom and I would like to bring my children up…