WCO Annual Fall Retreat
At Starrette Farm Retreat
Statesville, NC
Wesleyan Contemplative Order / Questions? Contact Mimi Sherman at (704) 252-3551 or mimi.sherman@gmx.com
Contemplative Order
12th Annual Fall Retreat
Soul Tent
The Spiritual Practice of Hospitality
Starrette Farm Retreat, Statesville
Sunday, October 10th: 4:00 – 7:30 p.m. (optional but highly suggestive not to be missed )
For Sunday attendees, you may either commute or stay at a nearby Statesville hotel. Arrive after 3:00 pm. Prompt start at 4:00 p.m. with Welcome followed by an afternoon of learning, discovery and growth, a delicious dinner and closing Compline . . . departing in silence.
Monday, October 11th: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Arrive in silence after 9:00 a.m. to get parked, settled, and seated for Morning Worship with Centering Prayer. Prompt start at 9:30 am. Lunch is provided.
COST is only $40 (for one or both days)
! Invitation opens to Vowed Members first.
! If space allows, after April 1, the Fall Retreat will be extended to all band members (those
who have not yet taken their vows).
! If spaces remain as we near October 10th the WCO Coordinating Council will determine if
guests with interest in the WCO may be invited. Please make your interest known to Ann
at astarrette@davidsonumc.org.
! Questions? Contact Mimi Sherman at (704) 252-3551 or mimi.sherman@gmx.com
Please join us for the 12th Annual Fall Retreat as we focus on the contemplative
dimension and approach toward the spiritual practice of hospitality. How do we as hosts
cultivate an open heart, an open mind and open hands in our daily lives? How do we live as a
warm, friendly, and generous presence toward God and others? How do our practices of
hospitality express and affirm our belief in the inherent worth and dignity of each person. . .
the eternal truth that all are invited to Christ’s table?
Page 1 of 3 Our time together will be shaped by wisdom teachings, guided meditations, reflection
and prayer so that we will be inspired to sing the Divine’s song of hospitality out into the
The purpose of the WCO Fall Retreats is to set aside some intentional time away to
foster the process of transformation in Christ, strengthen the joy of community and become
better equipped to bring peaceful change for a fairer and more just world.
Thank you in advance for making every effort to come. It is through your desire for a renewed
mind coupled with your support of the mission, vision, and values of the WCO community that our
bonds continue to strengthen and extend across denominations! Thanks be to God.
In anticipation of seeing you at the WCO 12th Annual Fall Retreat—from your retreat planning
team: Janet Jones, Mimi Sherman, and others, & the coordinating council: Al Reinken, Rev. Anne
Hilborn, Carol Prescott, Rev. Craig Sefa, Rev. David Canada, Kerri Noteboom, Rev. Lettie Ar-Rahmaan,
Lisa Marion, Marina Friedrich, Mary Ann Burns, Mimi Sherman, Nancy Bellamy, (lead chair) and
Tom Peckham (past lead chair).
There are 13 people coming.