A One-Day Silent, Centering Prayer Retreat  


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For the Experienced Centering Prayer Practitioner  

From 10.00 am until 4.00 pm

At IN-PERSON at Starrette Farm Retreat


A One-Day Silent, Centering Prayer Retreat  

For the Experienced Centering Prayer Practitioner  

Monday // March 21, 2022   10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P. M. 

IN-PERSON at Starrette Farm Retreat 

Led by Don Carroll, WCO founding fellow - This retreat will replicate for one day the rhythm of the extended retreats at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, CO. There will be four rounds of one-hour sits with a walking meditation in the middle of each round. Those attending will be invited to participate in as many rounds as they would like. The retreat will be in silence except for brief conversations at the beginning and closing. 

“When I had the chance to visit with Father Keating during a Snowmass ten-day retreat, he encouraged me to find a way to extend the rhythm of the time of my practice. Since then I have found that a daily practice is deeply enriched by an extended-day practice as well as a yearly practice of a week or longer. This day-long retreat will address that intermediate rhythm of   giving experienced practitioners the opportunity to settle deeply into the rhythm of their Centering Prayer practice for a day."  Don Carroll 

“What goes on in those silent depths during the time of Centering Prayer is no one’s business, not even your own; it is between your innermost being and God; that place where, as St. Augustine once said, “God is closer to your soul than you are yourself.” Your own subjective experience of the prayer may be that nothing happened—except for the more-or-less continuous motion of letting go of thoughts. But in the depths of your being, in fact, plenty has been going on, and things are quietly but firmly being rearranged. That interior rearrangement—or to give it its rightful name, that interior awakening—is the real business of Centering Prayer,”  
― Cynthia Bourgeault, Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening 

Hosted by Starrette Farm Retreat - Directions will follow paid registration 

  • Cost: $45.  Registration includes lunch and refreshments.  
  • Space is limited; 25 participants  
  • Questions?  Contact registrar, Nancy Bellamy ( wcocommunity@gmail.com / 336-971-7275 )

We are asking that all participants be vaccinated for COVID virus.

There are 15 people coming.

There are 10 places available.