Human Beings are Light

Spiritual Director (SD): Welcome, please come in and have a seat. Seeker (S): Thank you, I have been thinking of coming to talk with you for a long time but only now had the resolve to show up. SD: No one comes to spiritual direction without some desire beginning to flicker forth. The desire to know something more gives…


Why the Contemplative Path

Spiritual Director (SD): Please come in. Thank you for reaching out. Seeker: Thank you for seeing me. I don’t really know if I am the right person to come to Spiritual Direction since I am not a believer. The ritual in the church and its symbolic language doesn’t carry meaning for me, but I am intrigued by good things…


Community and Love

Spiritual Direction about Community and Love   Spiritual Director (SD): Please come in and sit. Not often do I get a seeker from Texas. Seeker: I come seeking spiritual help in regard to two specific concerns. SD: Please tell me about these concerns. Seeker: The first is about community.  I been told that having a community is essential for…